Quick, easy, mom isn't feeling good, FHE. Oh that is embarrassing, I just looked at that picture and I was so focused on my family that I cut out the baby Jesus in a laundry basket at their feet. You may decide two things about this picture on your own. One, if Hyrum is an angel, shepherd, or just got out of the shower and two, if Rob just got sunburned on the top portion of his forehead or if the rubber band around his head is too tight.
My cute kids in front of the Christmas tree. Kait is wearing her new Christmas dress from Grandma Adams. I am pretty sure Grandma just likes shopping for her grand kids and all of the cute outfits she buys are not because she thinks I dress my kids funny.

Kait and I drew these. One of us draws the head and then folds the paper over so that the person drawing the body can't see what the head looks like. Kait loved it and we played for ever last night. Just a fun idea to entertain your 5 year old during sacrament meeting or in times of boredom. It is sad that my 5 year old draws as well as I do.
"So I went to Carl's Jr. for lunch last week to let the kids play, yes the playgrounds at those places gross me out, but I will do just about anything to get out of the house with some other woman" Why is Rob going to Carl's Jr. with another woman?
He goes out with "other woman" to realize how truly blessed he is to have such a kind sweet patient wife. At least that is what he says to me and he is going out enough lately that he should really be realizing it. (For those readers who take my comments or blogs like that too seriously, please don't, as "other woman" is also me only I am petty, grouchy, moody, fat and pregnant instead of the wonderful woman that he married. We just like to differentiate by saying wife and other woman. (Uh, again don't take anything I say too seriously.)
no, I'm pretty sure it's that you dress your kids funny
Cute Nativity,Forget who Hyrum is who is Rob???
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