Caleb James Adams was born June 10, 2009 at 9:46 p.m. He and mom are healthy and happy. He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.
I was going to write some awesome gospel insights I learned while going all natural on this child but have opted to just brag a bit. Actually, I can't even do that because it feels like I received so much help from the other side of the veil. When I had Hyrum they told me I couldn't have an epidural because of the hellp syndrome that I had but this time I knew I could end the pain at any time and it amazes me what the Savior suffered for us with complete power to end the pain at any time. It kind of makes labor seem small in comparison and yet on a personal level my love for the Savior and Caleb seems greater.
Congrats!!! That has to be really exciting to have a new baby.
Good size fella too!
Congratulations!!!He sure is a cutie!!
Congatulations! Everybody looks so good and so happy.
Such a cutie! Can't wait to love on him!
Congratulations! Adorable!! I know what you mean about going through something like that and then realizing what that is like in comparison to what the Savior did. Pretty much incomprehensible!
Wow! I thought you were just barely pregnant...obviously i'm a little behind the times! Congrats! I love you guys!
Oh Amy, He is so cute! Thank you for putting so eloquently what many women feel after child birth. You are great! And good job!
Amy and Rob, at first I thought it was Rob talking about all the help he got from the other side of the veil and I was thinking, "help to watch? help to not faint? help to count to ten over and over?" Awesome that you did it with no pain meds. He is adorable. Way to go guys!
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