Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Warning, inappropriate info in this blog.

Sorry about this blog but I was up for 2- 3 hours in the night unable to sleep. Having said that.....When I got pregnant with Kaitlyn my chest doubled in size and turned bright purple because of all of the stretch marks. If I keep gaining weight like I am this pregnancy I fear the same thing will happen to my butt. Out of respect for others, or maybe myself, I will not be posting pictures of either.

Monday, March 16, 2009


This was posted from an application I made at work. (Both the video and this blog entry.)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rambling blog about nothing, for Cathy's sake.

I've decided that potty training is scary. Hyrum just decided he was ready to be potty trained a few weeks ago and keeps taking off his diaper and sitting on the potty so I decided to try and see if he could be potty trained before this baby gets here. But I've decided it is really scary to potty train. He stayed dry all day on Monday so Tuesday I put him in big boy underpants. Setting him in the car to go somewhere with out his diaper freaked me out. With Kait I was ignorant about how big of a pain it is to wash those darn car seat covers but my eyes are wide open now so I lined the bottom with open diapers. He did great and stayed dry all day. I was so proud of him. But then yesterday he did lousy. He would tell me that he had to go to the bathroom, we would go in there, and then he wouldn't go until right after I put his diaper or under ware back on. Sigh! We'll see how it goes.
Today the Utah legislation passed a bill saying "Anyone interested in buying a newly built home could receive a $6,000 state grant under a bill the Utah Legislature has approved." I emailed the link from KSL to Rob because we should be buying in the next 3 or 4 months but told him that the grant made me sick to my stomach for some reason. He responded that he didn't think we qualified and when I asked him why not because we fit all of the requirements he said he was pretty sure that it required that you be a socialist or a communist. His comment made me laugh and love my husband.
Kaitlyn's new favorite show is Scooby Doo. She laughs through the entire thing but is then timid about walking down the hall alone and stuff. I told her if she was to scared to use the bathroom or go to her room by herself then she wouldn't be able to watch Scooby Doo again until she was 7. This morning she asked if she could watch it and I said only if she went and cleaned up all of the shoes at the end of the hall. (Smart Mom....the shoes get cleaned and she has to go down the hall by herself.) She stood at the top of the hall for a good 10 seconds and then asked if it would be all right if we changed the rule so that if she was too scared to go and clean up the shoes then she wouldn't be allowed to do any cleaning until she was 7. She ended up cleaning up the shoes and watching the movie.
Ok, enough rambling.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kait's imagination

We went to the library and got some books. One was on caterpillars. All morning I have enjoyed listening to Kait pretend she has a pet caterpillar which she named "Bitch".

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Canned Garden Seeds

Ok, I don't know if these are the best price in the world but I don't think they are a bad price. I am thinking of getting a few cans and thought some of the rest of you would be interested. You can see them on the ladies site at You pick them up in Alpine so if we ordered together it might be easier to pick them up and have them at mom's house or something.

Up to DOUBLE THE QUANTITY OF SEED of most other competitors:

Each Can Contains:

* SWEET CORN. Golden Bantam. 5 oz.
* ONION. Utah Sweet Spanish. 10 g.
* SPINACH. Bloomsdale Long Standing. 10 g.
* WINTER SQUASH. Waltham Butternut. 10 g.
* SQUASH ZUCCHINI. Black Beauty. 10 g.
* RADISH. Champion. 10 g.
* TOMATO. Rutgers. 5 g.
* SWISS CHARD. Lucullus. 10 g.

* PEA. Lincoln. 10 oz.
* BEET. Detroit Dark Red. 10 g.
* CABBAGE. Golden Acre. 10 g.
* LETTUCE. Barcarolle Romaine. 5 g.
* CUCUMBER. Marketmore 76. 10 g.
* CARROT. Scarlet Nantes. 10 g.
* PEPPER. Yolo Wonder. 5 g.
* POLE BEAN. Blue Lake. 5 oz.

Totals: 659 grams of Open Pollinated Non-hybrid Vegetable Seed

Price is $35 per can. This includes tax and shipping.


What is the shelf-life on these canned seeds? The declared shelf-life is 5 years. If, however, the seeds are stored in the freezer, that should double the shelf-life!

How many people will one can feed? Each can should feed a family of 5 for one season.

Will non-hybrid seeds germinate as efficiently as hybrid seeds? This company's germination standards are even higher than the Utah State requirements. Most will be in the 90% germination range. The germination percentage of each individual seed will be posted on the package.

These need to be ordered by March 16th so if anybody wants to order them with me let me know. I just want to have a couple of cans put away so that I know that I have a bunch of seeds but I don't have to think about it anymore. I also was just looking at websites that tell a little bit about how to save seeds from what you do grow and use them in later seasons. Anyway, this is my contribution to Erin, Tracey's and Mom's blogs about being more self reliant and ways to save money.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another tag!

1. Started your own blog? yes, with much encouraging.
.2. Slept under the stars? Yeah
3. Played in a band? Much to my band teachers dismay.
4. Visited Hawaii? If you call layovers there anything.
5. Watched a meteor shower? I believe so.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity? Yes, and now I desperately need yours. Ha ha
7. Been to Disneyland? Yeah, but I was 12 and thought it was kind of boring.
8. Climbed a mountain? YES
9. Held a praying mantis? Yeah, I had my picture in the paper holding on when my sister brought a weird pod thing into the house and the next morning, Easter Sunday, they were all over our house.
10. Sang a solo? In front of my English class to excuse some tardies.
11. Bungee jumped? No
12. Visited Paris? No
.13. Watched a lightning storm at sea? I'm pretty sure on my mission I saw a few.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch? I don't know.
15. Adopted a child? No
16. Had food poisoning? Maybe
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty? No.
18. Grown your own vegetables? Yes, I love to try to grow things every year.
.19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France? No.
20. Slept overnight on a train? Nope.
21. Sluffed school? yes, one of the times my friend and I got caught and we were both supposed to do 7 hours of cleaning at the school. But they didn't dare call my mom to tell her about it though I told them to. Supposedly if we didn't do it within 3 weeks we would be put on probation and then 3 weeks later suspended but it didn't take me long to figure out that school would be out before then so I never did any.
22. Hitch hiked? In the singles ward showing a little leg and a thumb got me a ride home several times.
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill? No.
24. Have a favorite book? Lots, The Hiding Place is one of them.
25. Held a lamb? I don't think so but I might have in Loa.
26. Gone skinny dipping? Yes, in many places.
27. Run a Marathon? No
28. Ridden a gondola in Switzerland? No
29. Seen a total eclipse? Cathy tagged me and she says I have. "Yes, and when it was over went skinny dipping (just kidding I was dressed so was Amy she didn't want to go swimming I helped her)"
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset? How can you miss them?
31. Hit a home run? Yep
32. Been on a cruise? Just the ferry to Alaska, but I really want to someday.
33. Seen Niagra Falls in person ? No.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors? Yes, some of them
35.seen Amish country? No
36. Taught yourself a new language? Marshallese, but I had help from other Elders and Sisters.
.37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied? Sure.
.38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person? No.
39. Gone rock climbing? yes
.40. Seen Michelangelo’s David? No.
41. Sung karaoke? Yeah, bad experience. I don't recommend it unless you actually have a little musical talent.
.42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt? Yes, we just went with the kids last summer and I saw it as a kid.
.43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant? I don't think a complete stranger.
.44. Visited Africa? No.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight? Yes
46. Been transported in an ambulance? No
.47. Had your portrait painted? No
.48. Gone deep sea fishing? No
.49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person? No.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris? No
.51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? Uh, in our pool when our family took lessons but I didn't have a buddy for the final dive in a lake.
52. Kissed in the rain? Pretty sure.
53. Played in the mud? yeah, football is the funnest.
54. Gone to a drive-in theater? Many times.
55. Been in a movie? Had a few plays recorded.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China? No
57. Started a business? Not really
58. Taken a martial arts class? No
59. Visited Russia? No.
60. Served at a soup kitchen? No.
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies? No.
62. Gone whale watching? Yes, in Alaska.
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma? Several times, they give out free cookies and juice after wards.
65. Gone sky diving? No.
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp? No.
67. Bounced a check? I don't think so.
.68. Flown in a helicopter? No
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy? yes, a little carved bear which was the only gift I got the Christmas the family went to Alaska for Christmas.
.70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial? Yes
.71. Eaten Caviar? No
72. Pieced a quilt? Helped
.73. Stood in Times Square? No.
74. Toured the Everglade? No.
75. Been fired from a job? No.
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London? No.
77. Broken a bone? No
.78. Been on a speeding motorcycle? I don't know if it was speeding but David was driving so there is a good chance we were.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person? It drives me nuts that I haven't
.80. Published a book? No
.81. Visited the Vatican? No.
82. Bought a brand new car?no
83. Walked in Jerusalem? No.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper? Yes
85. Read the entire Bible? I'm pretty sure, though I'm not sure I was awake through all of Leviticus
86. Visited the White House? No
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating? No
.88. Had chickenpox? Yes.
89. Saved someone’s life? I tried CPR on my Dad but to no avail.
90. Sat on a jury? No.
!91. Met someone famous? Ah probably .
92. Joined a book club? Yes
93. Lost a loved one? Yes.
94. Had a baby? yep 2 and I'm expecting
95. Seen the Alamo in person?
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake? I want to, lets go Mom
97. Been involved in a law suit? Well, someone is suing Rob right now but our insurance company is taking care of it.
99. Been stung by a bee? No, well maybe once something stung me when I leaned on a wall but I don't know what.
100. One cavity or less? One since I started brushing at about 18 when I started paying my own dentists bill.