At 5 weeks old my new born developed a really bad rash or something on his head and cheeks. I took him to the pediatrician and they said to treat it like cradle cap to scrub it good and it should be fine. LOL, not. 3 or 4 weeks later I took him back but saw a different pediatrician and she started him on desonide lotion, mometasone and Cephalexin, I started a elimination diet because I breastfeed him. He started to clear up but within 3 or 4 days while still on the meds he started to break out again. I ended up at a dermatologist two or three times. He tried oral steroids, they made him worse, several soaks, hydroxyzine, and stronger topical steroids. etc. I took him off of all detergents, soaps, only dressed him in cotton, bathed him two or three times a day, didn't bath him for two or three days, kept him covered in vaseline, kept going on and off elimination diets because the dermatologist said it wasn't a food allergy but the pediatrician said it could be, went to see a pediatric dermatologist several times, etc. I tried garlic oils, coconut oil, lavender, cetephil lotions and soap, Aveeno eczema lotion, vitamin E and A, yeast medications and shampoo, keeping him constantly covered in vaseline, probiotics, etc, etc, etc. I saw a pediatric allergist who said no milk, eggs, nuts, but flour was ok. NOTHING WORKED!!! Finally my brother in law, who is a physicians assistant for a dermatologist in Idaho had me come up there. They too said it probably isn't food allergies but they gave him really strong antibiotics and had me do tons of Hydroxyzine and topical steroids. The pediatric dermatologist wanted me to do oral steroids again and I refused. Once he was clear for a few days and starting to eat solids I could see him break out to wheat products every time he ate them. Yeah!! 7 or 8 months of a itchy sad looking son and I finally could help him some. Anyway, I started this post months ago and it was just pictures, dates, and medications. It was mostly just a log of what he looked like and what was working or not but I guess that now this post is just for those other parents who might have a kid struggling with something like this and are googling everything, like I did, and might come across this post. Hang in there. You will figure it out. It takes time and it is a long miserable process but you will figure it out. All of the doctors and people who talk to you are trying their best and want to help. It seems like it can be totally different solutions for everyone but have faith.
Blessing day Feb. 5, 2012
He had just cleared up after being really bad all through Jan. Started Cephelexin and Desinide on 1-31-2012
Feb 28, 2012 started cephelexin again. |
Mar. 22, 2012 |
Mar. 31, 2012 |
March 31, 2012 |
April 3, 2012 |
April 3, 2012 Started clindamycin |
April 8, 2012 Primary Children's when they thought he had the herpes virus infecting the eczema. $2500 dollars later and another few weeks and we figured out it wasn't but they still weren't sure what it was.
April 19, 2012
April 19, 2012
April 20 started cephalexin for 14 days |
April 21, 2012 |
April 21, 2012 Tested positive for streptococcal impetigo |
May 2, 2012 |
May 5, 2012 |
May 5, 2012 |
June 5, 2012 On Cefdinir since 5-31-2012 pustules on 6-4-12 |
June 5, 2012 |
June 5, 2012 |
June 5, 2012 |
June 28, 2012 |
July 7, 2012 |
July 12, 2012 |
July 12, 2012 started Bactrim today. |
July 14th, 2012 only 48 hours after Bactim and Clobetesol
July 20, 2012
This is right after eating some of a dinner roll at a restaurant.
My Sweet boy Sept. 19, 2012 |
As long as I
don't eat or feed him any wheat, eggs, milk or nuts, we haven't directly given him eggs, milk, and nuts so I hold on to the hope that he isn't allergic to those,
then he looks pretty good. He still breaks out a little sometimes mostly because I still breastfeed a lot and sometimes I accidentally eat stuff but he is soooo much better. Now if I can just get him to quit biting me. ;)
Oct. 9, 2012
He had an appointment with the allergist on the 9th. . The nurse called me with the blood test, RAST test, results. I am going to blog the numbers so that I can compare them in the future.
Milk 29.9
Almonds positive but somehow I didn't write it down
Walnuts Negitive
Pistachios 1.61
egg 17.2
pecan clinically neg. at .033
wheat 7.09
peanut 13.8
cashew 1.45
shrimp negitive
soy low positive at 3.71
Nov. 28, 2012
My 3 year old, who knows that peanut butter is now off limits with out Mom's help, snuck into it and ate some behind the couch so I wouldn't see. Tanner found it at 10:50 a.m. I was about to load him in the car to go pick up a neighborhood kid from preschool for his mom. The allergist had told me he tested positive for peanuts and tree nuts allergy but we had not yet experienced it. Still not really sure if he was allergic I gave him some antihistamine and a quick bath. You can see from the above picture that his face was doing ok in the bath. Within 20 minutes his eyes were blood shot and watering, his nose was running, his bottom lip was swollen and he was coughing and miserable. I was in the car driving not knowing what I should do and then he started to throw up. I pulled over to help him but after throwing up he calmed down and went to sleep. So, yes, he has a peanut allergy.
You can see his bottom lip starting to swell.
Nov. 28, 2012
This was taken in the car 30 minutes after the bath one.
Jan. 30,2013
It has been sooo cold and dry throughout Jan. that his face has been a mess. I really don't want to give him any more antihistamine or steroids. But if I give him even a couple of day break his face is awful. Sigh. Hurry spring maybe it will be easier then. |
He is so cute!
memplh He is cute and so patient with all of us trying to help. Glad you're figuring it out and that you shared it with others. You are a great mom and sister. Love ya.
Oh my goodness, I guess I just haven't been around. I didn't realize how bad things had got. I am SOOO glad you've got it figured out. He is so dang cute!
Sheesh, I'm so glad you've figured it out.
Wow. Poor baby! Poor mama! I'm so glad things are getting better for you both. (Andrea linked to your blog, and I'm SO glad she did, because now I can blog-stalk you!)
I'd forgotten how bad it looked because he's doing so much better now. I'm glad he's doing better and this was smart to post. Hopefully it will help others. :)
My daughter has it on her neck and body the worst I have tried all f the things you listed as well and we get a day or two of relief at best however we did get a cream from Germany that stops her from scratching..It's called penaten ... Her skin seems more from her scratching than a break.out so we are going through testing to see what is causing her itching...I am having them test her kidneys as well as different blood tests because the itchy skin can be from several other things as I am learning through lots of research..
Thanks, Ahummergirl. If you happen to see this comment let me know what the blood results say because it has been a year and a half with no relief for my son. What does the kidney tests and blood work check for? Thanks.
How is your son doing now? Funny my daughter is going threw something similar and I thought I was the only one going threw this. Let me know what worked for you
Sorry Bri V I just saw your comment. My son is 4 and a half now and doing much better but is allergic to all most all food. He lives off of neocate formula, which is what they put in feeding tubes. He can eat a few veggies and very processed corn and rice products and some meats but is severely allergic to almost all other foods. I am sorry about your daughter. If you can get her to on neocate formula it may help. It is expensive and gross but has worked wonders for my boy. You can call the number on and they will send you samples. Good luck.
How is your daughter doing? Does she have food allergy induced eczema? Sorry that I never saw your comment. I don't check my blog very often. My boy still has tons of severe food allergies but his eczema is sooo much better so long as he doesn't eat anything he is allergic to.
How is your daughter doing? Does she have food allergy induced eczema? Sorry that I never saw your comment. I don't check my blog very often. My boy still has tons of severe food allergies but his eczema is sooo much better so long as he doesn't eat anything he is allergic to.
Adam's family, I was just doing a Google search due to my own son's eczéma (5mths). Thanks so much for sharing your own experiences. I can't imagine how worrying it has been for you. I just wanted to reach out and say congratulations for having come as far as you have. what amazing parents your lucky son has!
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